April 17, 2006

Kosmonaut Photo Blog: Food Styling with Chef JoAnna

I did a food styling session with Kathryn Hill, a photographer who works out of both San Francisco and Los Angeles. We spent an afternoon working on this project together, and it was a blast! We spent 5 hours from beginning to end, making all the food (in my kitchen), setting up the table (against the orange tree in my front yard) and all the props (it's all about the the props), and taking lots and lots and lots of photos.
Los Angeles food stylist   Los Angeles food photography   food styling and photography in Los Angeles
click to embiggen.

This was all actual food, everything was not only edible, dare I say, everything was delicious!
Click over to Kathryn's blog for the rest of the photos, and to her site to hire her.


  1. Yummy. When I watch the food shows on TV, I wish I could be there to help eat the food after they are finished with it.

  2. Wow! Awesome photo session - the food looks mouth watering!


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