January 19, 2008

Prescription dessert?

The menu of a St Francis Bay chef, who apparently serves up a powerful drug against erectile dysfunction with a banana split, was shrouded in mystery when Die Burger newspaper tried to investigate.

One of the items on Big Time Taverna's dessert menu, between Greek baklava and ice-cream desserts is the so-called Viagra, but whether or not it's the real thing is not that easy to determine.

actually the guy said he used cialis. Who do you think is more upset?
1) viagra, because they're associated with this crackpot?
2) cialis, because their brand name wasn't in the headline?

Click here for the rest of the story.

Last thing I ate or drank: two Omega-3 rich hard boiled eggs with black salt and lavender pepper, with half of a toasted sesame bagel. and a double espresso. the other half was spread with pear butter. We did the math, it came to about 60¢ per person. Learn how to cook, people, you'll save a fortune.

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