September 26, 2009

New posts on Mockingbird Acres Blog

Hi, everyone!  Lots going on down at the homestead!

    Washer & Dryer!  Not only are we no longer showering in the backyard, we can do our laundry at home (though I’ll still hang stuff out to dry if it would stop raining for more than 5 hours at a time)

    Egg Collecting!  We’re getting at least 3 eggs a day, and a few times as many as five, so we’re pretty sure that all the hens are finally earning their keep. Even the white leghorns are laying! Their eggs are white, but the other chickens lay brown or pink eggs. The roosters are earning their keep too, even if all they do is make me laugh each time they crow.  The black & white one calls out clear as a bell, and sounds like any rooster you’d ever hear, but the red one sounds like he’s got a frog in his throat, struggling to crow properly. it’s just comical. They both seem to know when I’m on the phone!?

    Tonight we attended the locals’ Social Gala of the Year – the Stella Fish Fry.  Even hours later, as I write this, I’m so full up on catfish & hushpuppies it kind of hurts.  Kelly and I shared two different kinds of home-made pie!

    Also today was Opening Day of Bowhunting Season!   Kelly tells all about it in the blog. (

We also added a few other blog posts lately, uploaded a bunch of photos from JoAnna's cellphone to flickr, and ordered a replacement camera cable so I can get some older photos out of the “real” camera. The original one is either still packed away in a box somewhere or it’s vanished. Rather than let the fancy expensive camera languish unused, I forked up the $15 for a new cable.

Finally, we really enjoy getting your comments by e-mail, but we’d love to have you share in the conversation, and post comments directly on the blog.  There’s a link after each post, just click on it and you’re able to post a few words or a few paragraphs.  Also, I understand it helps in the rankings for Google.  Also, I’d love it if you’d send this e-mail along to friends if you think they would be interested.

We’re shipping the dogs off to a sitter this weekend so we can celebrate our 15 year wedding anniversary with a trip to New Orleans. We didn’t know what to do with the chickens, but since they’re out roaming around unattended all day when we’re here, we figured they’ll be okay roaming around when we’re not here. We anticipate coming home to a big pile of eggs, which my dear friend Kris assures me will all be safe and edible. Omelets for everyone!!

Hugs from Prospect, TN!


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